Important things to bear in mind if you're an OZwizard
1. Must have OZwizardz™ in your role
w/ the corresponding letters depending on what race you belong.
C - Cerberean
L - Leviathan
Z - Zephyrean
2. Yahoo Messenger is needed for contacts in contests.
3. Must have a separate YM GROUP named Ozwizardz for GROUP MESSAGE purposes.
4. Always try to participate in contests.
5. If in Hide and Seek, send a GROUP MESSAGE to the Ozwizardz GROUP
like this:
"Found (name of the CL) in (place where you found the CL)
(and the task if there is any)"
Found kiara in E/S Roof of FLOWER SHOP near RED PEAR
whisper anaknambalyenangnagingpalaka
6. If in Enter the House (riddles and questions), send a GROUP MESSAGE to the Ozwizardz GROUP
like this:
"(Address of the house) PASSWORD: (the answer of the question)"
V/S Shissing #108 PASSWORD: anaknambolpengwalangink
7. Always avoid fights in OZ.
8. Don't exploit OZ bug such as booting.
9. Always try to be a good citizen/player.